Luca Fiorentini, Executive Director of TECSA S.r.l. and Vice President of SFPE Italy, will participate in the Seminar “FIRE SAFETY ENGINEERING CONGRESS″ to be held in Bologna on May 11, 2023, organized by the Order of Engineers of Bologna, SFPE Italy, PrevenzioneIncendiItalia and FSE LAB.
In particular, he will give a talk entitled “Fire risk assessment: from the identification of reference scenarios to the definition of requirements for effective safety management over time.”
Participation in the seminar allows the recognition of no. 6 hours of Refresher D.M. 05/08/2011 AND S.M.I. (dipvvf-DIR-EMI. Official Register U. 0009059. 06/04/2023) and for Engineers will be issued no. 6 CFPs by the Order of Engineers of Bologna against the mandatory registration at the dedicated link
Please refer to the attached poster for more details.