The project includes the following interventions:
- a relocation and a different distribution of products and substances within the Warehouses based on the intrinsic characteristics, the danger, the risk characteristics; considering the compatibility between the substances and according to the efficiency of the fixed fire-fighting systems;
- the replacement and upgrading of the fire-fighting water pumping station;
- the upgrading / replacement of fixed fire protection systems, water and foam inside the Warehouses and under the Canopies where there is the presence of combustible and flammable products, substances and materials;
- the installation of smoke and heat detection systems inside the Warehouses and under the Canopies;
- rationalization and optimization of the hydrant network and the supply of fixed water and foam fire-fighting systems.
A detailed design of active fire protection, smoke and temperature detection and fire alarm systems for the warehouses was developed.
The design of the fire protection systems has been developed with the software PIPENET Spray/Sprinkler, following the requirements of the standard UNI EN 12845 and UNI 13565-2.
The design of the detection system has been developed complying with the requirements of the Standard UNI 9795 and UNI EN 54.