For the project phase of a new polypropyene plant, Tecsa has carried out the following HSE studies:
- ENVironmental aspect IDentification (ENVID) and Health Risk Assessment (HRA), with the aim to identify the potential impacts of operational/maintenance phase of the project respectively on environment and operators, assessing the significance of the potential impact and exting or to be installed mitigations;
- Fire and Blast Resistant Construction (FRBC), with the aim to define criteria for the safe construction of strategic buildings, to be protected from fire and explosion;
- Preliminary Hazardous Analysis (PHA) and HAZard IDentification (HAZID), with the aim to identify general hazards related with the project development, not focusing on process safety hazards and operability issues and recommending additional measures to further reduce the residual risk where necessary;
- HAZard and OPerability (HAZOP), with the aim to analyze the development of operating problems related to deviations of proper process parameters, recommending additional measures to further reduce the residual risk where necessary;
- Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA), with the aim, in accordance with IEC 61511 and IEC 61508, to define the target SIL for a set of typical Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF), identified as indipendent protection layer (IPL) during the HAZOP;
- Recomposition of risk, related to main credible accidental scenarios identified for 60 plant sections, using SAFETI software by DNV. As result of recomposition, it is possible to carry out:
- Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA), with the aim to quantify individual risk, in terms of LSIR (Location Specific Individual Risk) and IRPA (Individual Risk Per Annum), and socialrisk, in terms of F/N curve;
- Fire & Explosion Risk Analysis (FERA), with the aim to calculate the level of risk for building and industrial asset, evaluating potential for escalation / domino effects, in order to confirm / refine plant layout.
For these HSE assessments, more than 20 PFDs and 30 P&IDs have been analyzed.