In order to estimate the thermal regimes developing within the three compartments under study, several simulations were carried out using the Ozone v3.0.4 calculation code produced by the University of Liège in collaboration with Arcelor Research, a research division of the Arcelormittal group.
Ozone is a zone-based calculation code, which means that the compartment under study is divided into one or two zones, for each of which homogeneous conditions of temperature, pressure, oxygen concentration, etc. are assumed.
Fire characterization was carried out based on the HRR-time curve defined by SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering for a fuel considered representative of the situation under consideration.
The characteristics of the rooms, smoke and heat evacuators present and natural lighting domes were considered in the modeling in order to determine the activation sequence of the available openings.
The fire scenario was also developed in consideration of the alarm and intervention times of the Fire Department indicated by the UNI 9494-1 standard.
The evolution of temperatures in the compartment was compared with temperature values obtained with the ISO 834 standard fire curve.
The evolution of the fire scenario was also analyzed with reference to the values of the oxygen concentration present in the room and determined by the Ozone software, relating the variations of this parameter to the state of the openings present in the compartment.