Computational analysis of evacuation during a fashion event in public area inside a railway station

2020 / Fire prevention engineering and fire prevention / Infrastructures

The scope of the project was to carry out a feasibility study of a fashion event inside a retail building inside a train station.
In the feasibility study, the safety conditions during the event have been evaluated; during the study the different moments of the event (a fashion show, a dinner and a party), being characterized by different crowding situations and surrounding conditions, were considered.
An analysis of the behavior of the occupants in different crowding situations was developed, based on the characteristics of the groups, the socio-urban context of the event and other factors that significantly affect the perception of danger and the related reactions.
The quantitative assessment of the feasibility of the event was supported by the calculation of the total exodus time and in particular, for the calculation of the pre-movement time, the F.L.A.M.E. methodology (Fire risk Level Assessment Matrix for Enterprises) has been used. The parametric approach made it possible to determine the pre-movement time in relation to the identified level of risk and the organizational and management structure.

The methodology let to determine the pre-movement time starting from the parameters described in the Table.

In order to avoid interference between the fashion event and the dynamics of pedestrian flows inside the station, an organizational coordination analysis of the event was developed, supported by the database of crowding fluxes, extrapolated from the counting system, named “Smart Station” which monitors the level of crowding inside the station.

At the end of the study, technical-managerial measures were identified in order to ensure the fulfilment of the feasibility criteria established for the event; thanks to those measures, it has been possible to guarantee the adequate level of safety for the event.