TECSA S.r.l. has been operating for years with a quality management system (QMS) compliant with the requirements of UNI EN ISO 9000 series standards.

In 2004 the company obtained the first certification of its system according to the UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 standard, while in 2018 the system was certified according to the new edition of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.

The system takes its steps from the company’s policy on quality protection, attached to all technical and economic offers, to highlight the awareness of all technicians about the importance of quality management in all aspects of each individual order, starting from the phase of commercial proposal to a potential customer. The policy is also attached to all orders to its suppliers (subject to selection, qualification and periodic verification) so that the inspiring principles of the company’s line of conduct for quality aspects are transmitted and shared also with the company’s suppliers as part of maximising efforts to satisfy TECSA S.r.l. customers.

Below is the text of the Company Quality Policy (updated 11 June 2018).


TECSA S.r.l., as part of its strategic lines of development based on the principles of total quality and aimed at maintaining a leadership position achieved in its market area, has identified the Quality Management System in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standards as the means by which to pursue an increasingly precise and outlined definition of its activities in terms of interrelated processes. This is made explicit with the identification of well-defined and specific objectives, extended to each area and function of the company, with the aim of making its organisation ever more streamlined, effective, flexible and determined to continuously improve its performance towards the Customer.

 The Company Management has identified the following general objectives as the basis of the Quality Policy:


  • the clear identification of the Client’s needs in order to translate them into technical requirements and precise commercial commitments (compliance with technical specifications, support and flexibility, punctual delivery, quality of the product supplied);
  • the provision of services in accordance with these requirements;
  • the commitment to establishing a relationship of trust with Clients, with mutual respect for their respective professional skills;
  • the effective and efficient management of its processes;
  • the communication with the Client in order to understand their expressed and unexpressed needs;
  • the development of an action of continuous improvement of the processes and the service offered.

RESPECT FOR THE REQUIREMENTS OF DIRECTIVES, RULES, REGULATIONS AND RULES APPLICABLE, through a continuous updating of human resources with respect to the reference regulations and the technical evolution of the sector, in order to guarantee the adequacy of the professional services offered.


  • the diffusion of the culture of quality within its own organisation, directing all resources, both internal and external, towards the continuous improvement of products and services, and customer satisfaction;
  • the involvement, motivation and development of the know-how of individual resources at all levels;
  • the recognition of the results achieved and the definition and implementation of professional growth paths;
  • internal communication at all levels in order to receive ideas and proposals that increase the effectiveness and efficiency of processes and the level of customer satisfaction.


  • the definition of suitable management procedures;
  • the detection and prompt resolution of non-conformities with respect to what is defined in the Quality Management System Documentation.

In order to achieve these objectives, the Company Tecsa S.r.l., under the direct control of the Company Management, undertakes to

  • define annually an Improvement Plan, specifying the measurable objectives and verifying its progress;
  • monitor and measure its processes to identify any critical points by defining indicators and carrying out audits, so as to introduce innovative or corrective actions for the continuous improvement of the System;
  • guarantee the availability of instruments and means always suitable for the continuous improvement of company performance;
  • carry out the periodic review of the Quality Management System and Quality Policy;
  • to guarantee the technical and professional competence of its resources, through the definition of a precise and coherent training programme aimed at effective professional growth;
  • to promote innovation through the identification of activities to complete the range of services offered and in response to the needs that the market expresses or desires, by explaining the requirements and quality standards.

 The Management periodically verifies that this policy is appropriate to the aims and context of the company, implemented and shared at every level of the organisation, and ensures that the necessary financial resources are available to implement the QMS.

The involvement and participation of all resources in the timely application and respect of the principles of this Policy is an essential prerequisite for the achievement of the objectives of the Company Policy.


In 2015, the renewed certification also saw, compared to previous years, a significant series of changes, including a new, wider scope of application of the certificate in line with the actual operating reality of the company, which over the years, compared to the first year of certification (2004), has seen a consolidation of a series of activities that now even more characterise the company’s high level of specialisation in numerous fields.

The current scope of application of the QMS in accordance with the requirements of 9001 is therefore the following:

“Development and provision of consultancy and training services in the field of major accident risk, environmental analysis, safety analysis, fire prevention engineering and forensic engineering”.


In 2015, TECSA S.r.l. also obtained, again in 2015, the extension of the scope of the certificate, which currently relates to the following reference codes (EA code):

  • Purpose 34 “Engineering services
  • Purpose 35 “Other services
  • Purpose 37 “Training

substantially expanding the scope of certification, which today includes all engineering activities carried out by TECSA S.r.l. by internal disciplines and higher education activities.